Our trip through Canada on our way to Alaska was spectacular. The views were breathtaking and the wildlife was abundant. It took us 5 days to drive from North Dakota to Anchorage and we were lucky enough to see these.

Sitka Black Tailed Deer

Herd of Bison
Dall Sheep

Black Bear
These are pictures of Alaskan Moose that seem to have no fear of people. If I had to guess I would say that I have seen over 50 moose in the 2 1/2 years I've lived here. Our first summer here we had a moose eat all of our flowers we planted in front of our house. It is very important to lock your trash up to keep moose and bears away. In fact it is a crime to leave trash and recycling outside on Base. We live in a rural area on Base that is full of black bears and moose. Just a few months ago a black bear attacked a 6 year old 2 houses down from ours.
Bull Moose in our neighbors front yard
Moose couple eating in yard
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